
All requests that are processed by m are identified as cases. If the request is not a case, it's a no-intent or an error and will end in one of these folders. Each case always has a life status which explains what the last performed action was. 📩

New cases

An overview of all new cases is provided in 'new'. Different filters such as locations and products can be added. On this page it is also possible to manually create a new case, by pressing the orange 'add case' button.


The 'general' tab allows you to add or change a hotel location, change the default language of the case and view or modify a client-specific contract. Furthermore, incoming requests by e-mail can be handled in the general page by pressing 'case history'.

In the tab 'general', an overview of a contacts business card is presented. You can see the attached e-mail below. You can also see the e-mail in 'case history'. The last feature on the general page is 'remarks', this page allows you to see, edit or add a remark.

Contact info ℹ️

On case level, three kinds of possible contact categories are recognized:

  1. The person who is responsible for booking the event (for example a broker).

  2. The budget owner (for example the purchaser of an organization).

  3. The guest (in case of a hotel room) or event lead on sight (for example the event manager).

It is possible to hold one person accountable for multiple positions. However, it is not possible to assign more than one person as an event booker or budget owner.

Pricing 💰

In the pricing folder, you can adjust the payment method, references, discounts & commissions.

Hotel 🏩

In the hotel folder, you can add and adjust hotel room reservations.


MICE is a hospitality term for the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions in the tourism segment. In the MICE folder, you can add, adjust or delete meeting room reservations and supporting services such as catering and audiovisual.

With the pencil icon, you can change the event info. With the copy button, you can easily copy the day and change or save it. This will allow you to process request series quickly.

The package deal and list with items in add catering/audiovisual are managed through settings. Please contact your supervisor when you do not have this option but do need to make changes.

Case history ⛩️

In this folder, a timeline is presented with all incoming and outgoing communication, as well as attachments and all changes made by you or one of your colleagues.


Each case always has an up-to-date status which explains what the last performed action was. A case could have one of the below mentioned statuses:

  • Availability check failed: there is no availability. Please contact the client or generate alternatives.

  • Availability check succeeded: there is availability for the requested date and location. The system will soon move to the next step.

  • Cancel email ready: a cancellation email was generated and is ready to be sent out.

  • Cancel email sent: the client has received a cancellation confirmation.

  • Check availability: the platform is connecting with your property management software to check current availability for the requested date and location.

  • Check needed: the system has recognized a proposal that consists of more than 30 days. Please check if the proposal matches the request as done in the incoming email message.

  • Confirmation email ready: a confirmation email was generated and is ready to be sent out.

  • Confirmation email sent: the client has received a confirmation. The case will move to archive, but can be found with the ‘include future confirmations’ in the 'My Work' and 'Running' overview screens

  • Confirmation sent manually: the employee has sent a personalized confirmation via a different channel such as email.

  • Large group: the number of people in this reservation is bigger than the number of people that were predefined in the partner account. No proposals will be sent out automatically.

  • Missing info email ready: the email from the client is probably missing vital information.

  • Missing info email sent: the client received an email that has a link to the client form in which additional information can be entered.

  • Proposal email ready: a proposal email was generated and is ready to be sent out.

  • Proposal email sent: the client has received a proposal.

  • Proposal sent manually: the employee has sent a personalized proposal via a different channel such as email.

  • Question: the client has a specific question that needs your attention.

  • Revenue check failed: there is not enough revenue in this request according to your organization's yield management guidelines. Please contact the client or generate alternatives.

  • Revenue check succeeded: there is availability and the request fits your organization's yield management guidelines. A proposal will soon be created.

  • Revenue check: the platform is connecting with your yield management software to check.

Last updated